Social Welfare UMM Launches CoE for Community Empowerment Class

Author : Humas | Monday, March 14, 2022 06:21 WIB
Illustration of community empowerment program conducted by Social Welfare Department (Photo: Istimewah)

Giving birth to a generation that can empower the community well is not easy. However, this did not stop the Social Welfare Study Program (Kesos) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) from holding community empowerment class programs. The Center of Excellence (CoE) program also functions to improve UMM students' hard skills and soft skills.

Head of Social Welfare Study Program (Kaprodi) Dr. Oman Sukmana, M.Si., explained that this center of excellence was indeed held to help the community in its development. Besides that, it also functions to produce graduates of the Social Welfare Department as qualified community social workers. This program has also been integrated with several other programs at UMM, such as the village development program.

"Later on, this class will collaborate with the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR RI), the Muhammadiyah Association, and some other institutions. With this collaboration, students are expected to be able to carry out certified internship programs humanitarian projects, and can also help absorb labor from Social Welfare graduates," he explained.

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Furthermore, as he is familiarly called, Oman said that this community empowerment class would be held in different regions. Before being deployed, an analysis of the needs and potentials that exist in the community will be carried out first. One of them is a community empowerment model through the development of tourist villages. After conducting the analysis, students will design the program for its publication and evaluation.

"This analysis process is carried out so that what we plan in the area can have the maximum impact. There are several targets that you want to achieve. These include developing community self-reliance, improving social control systems, managing conflicts within the community, building networks, and partnerships between communities and community empowerment institutions," said Oman.

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Regarding the implementation period for the center of excellence, Oman said that students could convert their activities into 20 related Semester Credit Units (SKS). This CoE program will also strengthen the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program and carry out the university's vision and mission, namely UMM-PASTI, which includes sure to graduate, sure to work, and independence.

"I hope that with the form of this CoE program, it can help the problems that exist in the community. This program is also expected to give new skills to residents and provide students with direct experience in the community," he concluded. (cdr/wil)



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