The Excitement of the Spacious'19 Closing of UMM FISIP: Inauguration and Closing Ceremony

Author : Humas | Monday, January 06, 2020 15:30 WIB
One of the art performance sessions. (Photo: Special)

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a Student Day Spacious’19: Inauguration and Closing Ceremony at Hall GKB 4th floor 9. Spacious stood for Social, Political, Art, Science, Religion and Sport which was the name of the event of Student Day UMM FISIP 2019.

Delivered by Adjie Prayoga, Chief Executive of Spacious'19 stated that the goal was to be able to unite the hearts, goals and thoughts among the FISIP community. "We also want to unite the principles of the FISIP community for the creation of a better and better-performing FISIP," he said.

The Student Governor of FISIP added his hope that the competition was not just to find a champion, but the main thing was to compete in goodness. "The more often we compete, the more friends too, not opponents", concluded Bayu Wildan Hidayatulloh.

Also admitted by Zen Amiruddin as Vice Dean 3 of FISIP, Spacious Inauguration of FISIP was a place to appreciate the achievements of FISIP new students. The Vice Dean 3 of FISIP then explained that new students through Student Day and the Dean Cup were very enthusiastic in participating in all activities. Through the Student Association, new students were able to map their achievements and potential since semester 1 so that coaching could continue in the fields of reasoning, talent interests, sports, multimedia and Islam.

"Potential Mapping Classes and competitions in all branches for 2 months are not only for campus events, but we are preparing for events that are periodically contested both regionally, nationally and internationally," said Zen Amiruddin. (win)



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