Hanif, A UMM Graduate Who Already Has a Business with Hundreds of Millions Turnover

Author : Humas | Thursday, February 23, 2023 07:03 WIB
Hanif Arfan Himawan Graduates from Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM). (Photo: Yafi PR)

The department during college allows Hanif Arfan Himawan to develop his potential. The graduate of the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), now has a business buying and selling laptops that have been pioneered since 2016. At that time, he was still studying and gaining knowledge at UMM. Interestingly, the turnover he gets is relatively high, namely at more than 700 million rupiahs each month.

Hanif said that when he initially ran a business, he was accompanied by some friends who helped him. They also have their respective companies. Some are involved in the automotive world, while others are in the culinary field. He also joined the Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) or Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association Organization.

"There, I met many business people, ranging from just opening a business to those who were experts in buying and selling. From there, I also gained a lot of knowledge and experience about how to develop a business. Mainly in the electronic field of laptops, "he said.

His business did not suddenly become a big business. Many processes must be passed. One of them used the sale of his father's laptop for capital. Luckily, his father was very supportive so that the profit from selling laptops could be used as initial capital, which was three million rupiahs.

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Then he began to look for used and decent laptops that he could resell and get profit. "Moreover, at that time, I saw the vast laptop market with the number of campuses and students in Malang. This increasingly encouraged me to continue to develop buying and selling this laptop. Plus, in 2016, only a little shop focused on selling through online media and marketplaces. So, I think this is a big opportunity for me, "said Hanif.

After running the business for over seven years, he has four employees. The sale is not only around Malang but also targeting markets outside East Java, such as Central Java, Sulawesi, Maluku, Sumatra, to Papua. He also sent goods abroad, such as Selangor, Malaysia.

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Although he struggled in a world not by his college major, Hanif still used the knowledge he had ever gotten, for example, related to the Article of the Stunning that made him careful in running his business.

"I pay attention to the legal aspects of running my laptop business. Many knowledge from Law Faculty UMM that I still remember and use until now, "he stated.

Hanif also felt grateful because, at UMM, students were encouraged to develop their potential outside of the field being studied. Even the White Campus provides entrepreneurship classes for students to foster an entrepreneurial spirit.

"Through my business, I also want to motivate students and other young people to maximize potential and opportunities. All of that starts with ourselves. If we believe we can, chances and opportunities will continue to emerge. That's when we must use it well, "he concluded. (put/wil)



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