Attending the International Conference, Director of RBC UMM Contributes to Overcoming Extremism and Terrorism

Author : Humas | Friday, June 17, 2022 07:38 WIB
Nafik Muthohirin, MA, Hum while attending an international conference in Cairo, Egypt.(Photo:Istimewah)

Director of Rumah Baca Cerdas (RBC) Institute A. Malik Fadjar, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Nafik Muthohirin, MA, Hum, became one of Indonesia's representatives at an international conference in Cairo, Egypt. The conference entitled "Religious Extremism: The Intellectual Premises and Counter-Strategies" presented representatives from 42 countries consisting of state leaders, muftis, ulama, academics, and researchers. The agenda took place last June 7-9.

The conference discussed issues of extremism and terrorism that occurred in various parts of the world. According to Nafik, acts of terrorism and extremism continue to undergo movement transformations. Some extremist groups carry out thought-provoking propaganda and recruitment strategies through more contemporary means, mainly through social media.

He added that recently world extremism had been exacerbated by the rise of religious populism, which certain politicians have ignited for political campaigns. On the other hand, hatred of Islam (Islamophobia) is common in Western countries, especially after the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and Penthagon, commonly known as the 9/11 incident.

"So, at this international conference, representatives from various countries gathered to discuss the strategy for handling it. Thank God, I became one of the Indonesian delegates from the elements of researchers and academics," he said.

The forum is a place to exchange ideas regarding the strategies of each country in their success in fighting extremism. In addition, it also aims to strengthen the values of peace and coexistence of various religious communities worldwide. It is also an effort to open academic and research connections related to this matter.

Nafik said that the fight against religious extremism could not be done alone. Collective action is needed among state leaders, religious leaders, and academics/researchers to combat it. "This was also conveyed by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Prof. Dr. Shawki Ibrahim Allam. He said that fighting extremism with an aggressive approach was not enough. There is a more humane way by moderating the religious understanding and behavior of followers," said Nafik, a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion at UMM.

Nafik's involvement in the conference affirms various organizations in the International Program for Capacity Building for Madrasah Teachers or Pesantren and Ismuba in Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy (LKLB). Some organizations are Leimena Institute, Ma'arif Institute, PP Muhammadiyah Educational Council, PP Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Development Institute, and RBC Institute A. Malik Fadjar UMM. (cdr/wil)



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