UMM Professor of Traditional Communication Becomes a Speaker at the Islamic World Malay World Forum

Author : Humas | Thursday, June 09, 2022 08:39 WIB


Prof. Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si Professor of traditional media communication. (Photo: Istimewah)

One of the professors of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Prof. Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si. Invited and became a speaker at the international symposium of the Islamic World Malay World Forum held by the Language and Library Council (DBP) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri initiated this event by presenting more than 70 intellectual figures from various countries.

During the symposium, Muslimin said that the Indonesian version of Malay had proven itself capable of becoming the national language. Internationalization continues to be done through many things, from sending teachers to various countries to teach Indonesian to accepting international students to learn Indonesian.

Although the chances of the Indonesian version of the Malay language are pretty good, he thinks some conditions need to be met. One of them is to accept and understand the differences that exist. Be it in the aspect of intonation, dialect, and also habits.

"So, the solution is to have teams from various countries who use related languages ​​to share perceptions. Likewise with efforts to put aside polemics and political egos," he said.

On another occasion, Muslimin also discussed Indonesia's chance to become the ASEAN's official language. According to him, Indonesia has quite a vast opportunity than other ASEAN countries because there are more users of this language worldwide. There are already more than 50 countries in the world that have opened Indonesian language study programs. Primarily if you use a voting system, of course, Indonesian has the potential to become the official language of ASEAN.

He suggested being consistent in using Indonesian in both official and informal events. For example, the government sends letters to other countries using Indonesian with a translation attached. In addition, he encourages the Indonesian people to use all media platforms as much as possible to introduce Indonesian. Lastly, Muslimin hopes Indonesia will not just talk, or there must be clear and concrete actions.

Meanwhile, Muslimin is a professor in the field of traditional media communication. He considered that this field was not widely looked at and explored it. Finally, Muslims convinced themselves and took a study on heritage media.

According to him, one of the reasons why this field is not widely studied is the word "traditional." The term is considered ancient, left behind, and has no value. "In fact, I see that traditional media has an extraordinary message of virtue in life," said the Chair of the Forum Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education (PTMA).

For Muslims, heritage is an ancestral culture that must be preserved and preserved. It cannot be separated from its role in reducing social frictions that occur in society. (cdr/ros/wil)



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