Attracting a Famous Company, UMM Officially Established the Lab. of Solar Power Plant by the CoE

Author : Humas | Tuesday, December 20, 2022 10:38 WIB
UMM officially established the laboratory of a solar power plant with a capacity of 5,82 kWp. (Foto: Istimewa)

The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) officially established the laboratory of a solar power plant with a capacity of 5.82 kWp to increase solar power plant development. The laboratory inauguration, conducted last November, was attended by the teams of an inverter manufacturing company from Taiwan Goodwe Technologies Co Ltd. and the State Electricity Company, which gave corporate social responsibility funds. 

The laboratory was built within 3 weeks, helped by PT. Adidaya Renewable Energy and PT. Jayatama Adi Sentosa as main contractors. Interestingly, the Faculty of Engineering of UMM not only attended the inauguration but also conducted a seminar for university students and hundreds of vocational high school students in Malang. 

Richard Merchury, a Country Sales Manager of Goodwe Indonesia, explained that the laboratory construction is marvellous, especially since the environment of the solar power system in Indonesia is not familiar. As a result, many broad opportunities are available either from business or employment. 

“Opportunities will approach those who have prepared themselves. And the White Campus has prepared the solar power plant system well,” he emphasised. 

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This laboratory of a solar power plant is strategically perceived to develop electrical engineering students’ competency, primarily in planning, installation, and operation. The same thing also applies to the maintenance effort related to a certainly needed solar power plant. Meanwhile, even though ordinary people do not entirely understand solar energy, it is considered quite promising in business. 

On the same occasion, Alwan Zanuar, an engineer of PT. Adidaya Renewable Energy said that this laboratory can encourage students to build and design a solar power plant. Hence, they can explore their knowledge. 

Alwan even assumes that this laboratory can be developed and integrated into another generator. Moreover, he perceives that the potency of renewable and green energy has turned advanced and massive. 

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“Hopefully, students can learn many things related to a solar power plant in this laboratory. Also, they can give common people more understanding that a solar power plant can be a good alternative not only for society but also the environment,” he said.

Meanwhile, Basri Noor Cahyadi, M. Sc., the person in charge of the UMM’s Center of Excellence (CoE) of Solar Power Plant, stated that this laboratory has a set of specific goals. One is to support students’ course practicum in the CoE of Solar Power Plant. The centre can also test the P3-scale competency of students or outsiders who intend to get a professional certificate.

“This laboratory can be a centre for renewable new energy, especially in strengthening this CoE of Solar Power Plant. We expect innovations to emerge, like research about solar charge controllers until battery management,” he asserted. (imh/wil)



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