FTTE UMM Discussed Educational Solutions for Era Society 5.0

Author : Humas | Thursday, May 19, 2022 08:55 WIB
Prof. Dr. Yus M. Cholily, M.Si in the National Seminar on Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FTTE) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (Photo: Istimewah)

Educating children must follow the times because a child does not live in an era when his parents are still young. Prof. Dr. Yus M. Cholily conveyed it, M.Si., in the National Seminar on Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FTTE) at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The seminar, which was held on Saturday (14/5), became one of the ways to commemorate National Education Day.

Yus, his nickname, continued that in carrying out his profession as an educator, an understanding of how to educate according to the times is very necessary. He quoted Alvin Toffler's opinion as saying that illiterates in the 21st century are not those who cannot read and write. But those who are unable to learn, unlearn and relearn.

"If we can't feel that the knowledge, we learn here is as if the science that is patented. If we don't want to leave that knowledge and can't learn new knowledge, we are part of the illiterate people of the 21st century. Because basically, science continues to develop, and the learning process must be carried out throughout life, "he added.

The professor of mathematics education also emphasized that educators must equip themselves with many things. One of them is teaching skills based on problem-based learning or project-based learning. Moreover, seeing the increasingly complex challenges that the world of education must face in this century.

On the same occasion, Dr. Endang Poerwanti, M.Pd. It delivered a topic related to "Learning Innovation in the Free Era of Learning Society 5.0". He explained more deeply that technology would bring thousands of conveniences, but humans will lose their abilities and dignity without realizing it. In the world of education, technology has a very significant role. It is even feared that it can replace the teaching profession. However, according to him, this will not happen.

"Perhaps teaching and coaching can be replaced by technology. But when it is entered into the emotional aspect, emotional touches and fostering humanistic traits are a challenge and responsibility for us as teachers. So actually, the role of the teacher will forever be irreplaceable. Don't worry," said the UMM PGSD Study Program lecturer.

In addition, Endang also explained that the challenges in the current era of education are getting tougher. The quality and quantity of problems are also increasing. "Then also about the ability to solve problems and the ability about humanity. In my opinion, humanist people everywhere will be able to beat technology," he concluded. (cdr/wil)


Author: Hassanalwildan Ahmad Zain | Editor: Hassanalwildan Ahmad Zain



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