UMM Lecturer Explains Why Indonesian Society Gets Trapped in Online Betting

Author : Humas | Monday, November 13, 2023 08:16 WIB
Aransha Karnilla Nadia Putri, S.Psi., M.Sc. (Photo: Special).

The phenomenon of online betting is becoming increasingly alarming. According to data released by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the total national losses due to online betting are estimated at 138 trillion Indonesian Rupiah. This figure represents a distressing irony, especially considering the economic conditions of society that have yet to show significant improvement.

That has drawn the attention of a cyberpsychology observer at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Aransha Karnilla Nadia Putri, S.Psi., M.Sc. She conveyed that a person's involvement in online betting is closely related to one branch of social psychology, cyberpsychology. This branch focuses primarily on human behavior, specifically within the digital realm.

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The primary cause of this phenomenon is various 'distinctive' behaviors of Indonesian society that seemingly provide an open space for this issue to enter, eventually trapping individuals and making it difficult to stop. People here tend to strongly fear missing out (FOMO). They enjoy following trends without understanding the urgency and impact. 

"In psychology, there is a concept of the bandwagon effect, which suggests that 'what is popular and widely done by others must be right.' Biases like this make such phenomena spread easily. Further, if something popular is promoted by a well-known, young, wealthy influencer. It becomes easy for society to believe and even follow it," she added.

Aransha mentioned that various companies developing online betting sites have abundant resources to conduct massive promotions. Individuals' perceptions of online betting are gradually implanted. This is evident from the emergence of hundreds of thousands of websites with online betting advertisements, which slowly penetrate the minds of those who view them.

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"I once searched on Google for recovery methods for online betting users, but the top results were the actual betting sites. This shows they have a stronghold on the digital realm, and their resources are plentiful to control it all. Therefore, people need to be very cautious in increasing their vigilance," she added.

Aransha pointed out that this online betting phenomenon also significantly impacts changing individual behavior. Those engaged in online betting who start developing an addiction tend to become secretive. They conceal their behavior to avoid being discovered by others. Additionally, they seize any opportunity to engage in these prohibited activities, no matter how small.

"The recent extreme cases have been quite prominent. Some play slots while riding a motorcycle. This convenience offered by the game can significantly impact individual behavior," she stated.

The psychology lecturer added that the effects of sounds and various catchy phrases like 'Gacor' in slot games can trigger the dopamine hormone, leading to feelings of happiness. This becomes a reason why those who have tried online betting continue to play it continuously, hoping to achieve instant happiness.

She emphasized that people from lower-middle-class economic backgrounds tend to think short-term, especially regarding financial management. However, she highlighted that this problem is not as simple as an economic class issue. She hoped that all layers of society would collaborate to help eradicate this behavior, starting with oneself and close ones to a wider scope.

"In brief, enhance financial literacy, live in the real world, and socialize. This way, there is no opportunity for us to engage in these prohibited activities. The government also has a responsibility to actively play a role in eradicating these cases, from blocking sites to creating a narrative that educates the public, so the chain of this phenomenon can be broken from its roots," she concluded.  (*hil/wil/fajr)



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