Preventing Degenerative Diseases, FK UMM Lecturer Mentioned Healthy Lifestyle is the Key

Author : Humas | Tuesday, October 17, 2023 07:03 WIB
dr. Aan Dwi Prasetio, Sp.N as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) (Photo: Special)

Degenerative diseases are diseases caused by a decrease in cell function. As we get older, cell function will also deteriorate. This disease has various types, such as dementia, Parkinson's, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, stroke, Alzheimer's, etc.

dr. Aan Dwi Prasetio, Sp. N, as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), stated that the initial cause of this disease is genetic or hereditary. If parents have a history of Parkinson's, for example, there is a significant risk that it will be passed on to their children.

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The second cause is lifestyle. Degenerative diseases will usually appear at the age of 65 years and above. However, a less unhealthy lifestyle causes this disease to occur more often under that age.

"Today's lifestyle is all kinds of things, from eating junk food to consuming excessive sugar. In addition, the lack of exercise and eating irregularly accelerates the onset of the disease. For example, nowadays, many stroke patients are 30 years old, whereas in the past, this disease usually appeared at 50 and above," he said. 

Aan says that the symptoms of these degenerative diseases are different. If it is Parkinson's, the signs that sufferers will experience are tremors and stiffness. However, the most common degenerative disease is Alzheimer's disease. It is said to be Alzheimer's if memory decreases before age 65. If you have this disease, the sufferer cannot do their activities.

Aan mengatakan bahwa gejala dari penyakit degeneratif ini pastinya berbeda-beda. Jika terkena parkinson, maka gejala yang akan dialami penderitanya adalah tremor dan kaku. Namun penyakit degeneratif yang paling sering muncul ialah Alzheimer. Dikatakan Alzheimer jika daya ingatnya menurun sebelum usia 65 tahun. Jika mengidap penyakit ini, penderitanya pun tidak bisa melakukan aktivitas sendiri.

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Degenerative diseases cannot be cured, as they are related to aging. So, these diseases can only be reduced in morbidity or disability. Medicines only help prevent the condition from worsening and maintain a better quality of life.

"However, there is no need to worry because this disease can be prevented. The trick is to maintain a healthy diet and life at a young age, such as exercising regularly, not smoking, and not drinking alcohol," she explains.

Aan also reminded us that lifestyle in youth will significantly affect the quality of one's old age. So, paying attention to health as early as possible is very important. "Youth will determine our successful aging or old age. If we apply a healthy lifestyle at a young age, then when we are over 50, there will be a more minimal degenerative disease process," Aan concluded. (Dev/Wil/Fajr/Put)



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