Numerous Suicide Cases, UMM Lecturer Mentioned the Value of Pancasila Must be Strengthened

Author : Humas | Wednesday, December 27, 2023 08:01 WIB
Moh. Wahyu Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Photo: Special)

Recently, many suicides have occurred due to economic reasons. They were not only committing suicide. Several cases involved several family members, such as fathers, mothers and children. Lecturer of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education study program (Civics Education Study Program) at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Moh. Wahyu Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd. said this incident should have been prevented, mainly with awareness between neighbours in the social environment, which is one of the central values of the second principle of Pancasila, which is a fair and civilized society.

"If we want peace in society, then we must humanize people with harmonious relationships between neighbours, mutual respect, understanding, and tolerance," said Wahyu.

With awareness, the sense of unity and integrity will also be strengthened. This will break the bond between people, especially those in the same neighbourhood. A peaceful atmosphere will not be established, and life will be more complicated. "Therefore, it is imperative to implement the value of Pancasila in social life," he said.

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Wahyu said closeness and openness are important to avoid similar cases occurring in the future. Don't be ashamed to share your problems with the people around you, and don't think that what you have to say is a disgrace that must be covered up. Being active in community activities can also energize individuals, mature themselves, and open a broad mindset in dealing with a problem.

"Having a lot of socialization will allow us to take the right solution to a problem. In addition, maximizing community programs, whether formally or informally, through civic engagement can increase knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes within ourselves. This also includes participating in policy-making both in the neighbourhood and community," he added.

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Lastly, Wahyu advised the people not to imitate the incidents that have already happened. Every individual needs to realize that as social creatures, humans must coexist. Sensitive to the surroundings and continue to socialize, communicate and interact. Thus, values will emerge to care for and understand each other. 

" We should develop each other to live together to prevent us from easily finding solutions in a short time and causing impacts that are not good for ourselves or others," he concluded. (*dit/wil/put)



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