Build Children's Entrepreneurial Character Through Batik

Author : Humas | Monday, November 30, 2020 09:16 WIB
Batik activities (Photo: Istimewa)

Students of the Biology Education Study Program, FKIP University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) gave the training to make dyed batik for orphanage children to form entrepreneurial characters. Under the guidance of Tutut Indria Permana, M.Pd., Siti Mariyatul Qibtiyah as chairman, and Ladysyah Fitri Rohmah, Nur Hadi Hidayat, and Yeni Setyaningsih as members trained 10 children of the Putri Aisyiyah Dinoyo Orphanage, Malang, for almost a month, namely August 22, 2020, to September 15, 2020.

The idea of this activity stems from the fact that Indonesians are more inclined to be job seekers so that the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia only reaches 2%. Ideally, to boost national economic growth, the number of entrepreneurs in a country must achieve at least 4%. Therefore, an entrepreneurial spirit must be instilled from an early age, especially for the children of the orphanage.

"With entrepreneurial skills, they will be more independent. This is important because they cannot depend on their parents. Besides, this can also be a solution to the problem of donating orphanages that are not fixed every month, "said Siti Mariyatul Qibtiyah when referring to her name via Whatsaap, Saturday (11/20/2020).

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Because it was holding during the pandemic, the team used the Google Meeting platform for training activities and the Whatsaap application for mentoring activities. Training activities include providing entrepreneurship materials, making dyed batik, marketing, and product packaging. Interestingly, the material for making dyed batik is present in the form of video tutorials uploaded on Youtube.

"The goal is to make it easier to understand and accessible without limits. We made the video tutorial using the Kinemaster application because there are many choices of animation effects to suit our needs,” added Siti.

Besides, the team also created a Program Implementation Manual using the help of PowerPoint software.

"Thank you to the team who have provided training to make dyed batik online. We will continue this activity we will optimize it again. We will make more creations of dyed batik products and sell them to the wider community,” explained Farida.

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The existence of this activity has proven to increase the understanding and skills of the orphanage children in making dyed batik and entrepreneurship. These can be visible from the increase in pretest and posttest results what jumped up to 90%. As a result, partners give a high appreciation for the implementation of this activity. Farida Basori, the manager of the Putri Aisyiyah Dinoyo Orphanage, also intends to continue activities.

This activity is an application of the Student Creativity Program Activities in the Community Service scheme (PKM-M). This PKM-M not only received funding from Belmawa Dikti, but also represented UMM at the 33 PIMNAS event what would be held online in the next week.

Through the success of the program and the additional output of articles that have been published in the International Journal of Community Service Learning (IJCSL) Ganesha University of Education, it is hoped that the team can make the White Campus proud by winning the title of PKM-M Champion in 2020. (fid / can)



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