Invites to Work, UMM Gives Influencer and Writing Class for High School Students

Author : Humas | Friday, March 04, 2022 03:22 WIB
Hassanalwildan who invited the students of SMAN 1 Porong to explore story ideas.(Photo: Istimewah)

Departing by Car Kamis Membaca (KaCa), the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) team encouraged the creativity of SMAN 1 Porong, Sidoarjo students through writing classes and influencer classes. Around 300 students and grade 12 students participated in the two types, which were held on Friday (4/3) offline.

Tiktok influencer who became one of the presenters, Nixon Farrel Mahatma, said that the participants' enthusiasm was relatively high. Most of them follow and pay attention to all material related to composing and creating content on social media, especially TikTok.

"They looked so happy and interested when I conveyed the steps to create good content. Besides that, how to compose videos that many viewers can like," he added.

On that occasion, Nixon, his nickname, leaked tips to get content into TikTok's For Your Page (FYP). The first step that needs to be considered is understanding the audience. When you know and know what the audience likes, content preparation will also be more accessible. Even with the effort to be able to follow the existing trends. So that the prepared content is not out of date.

"The thing that is no less important is understanding how the algorithms of each social media work. When we have to upload when to create this content when to compose that content, it all depends on how the algorithm works," he added.

On the other hand, Hassanalwildan Ahmad Zain, presenters in the writing class, explained exciting writings. Especially creative works such as short stories and novels. According to him, the writer is better off not revealing directly in telling the story. However, the writer can better describe the atmosphere, feelings, or surrounding conditions.

"That way, the stories that are written can also affect the emotions of the readers and make them seem more interesting. The story is also better if it starts from the middle, giving the impression of curiosity so that readers can feel more at home," he said.

Wildan, his nickname, also encourages students to be brave and immediately start writing even though the first writing that was made was still ugly and messy. He began from sloppy writing, born a series of reliable writers who are now famous.

Meanwhile, one of the students, Febrian Bagus, considered this creative class activity exciting. Many new experiences are to be gained, especially for friends who like social media and creative writing.

“At the end, we also had the opportunity to get to know each other through an aptitude test. From there, we can find strengths and potentials that can be developed in the future,” he concluded. (cdr/wil)



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