New Student Admission FAQ 2024/2025
Do you have any questions about the UMM 2024/2025 new student admission process? Check here, see if the answer to your question is in the following FAQ list!
- Question: Is it possible to use the school report card if I don't have any certificates?
Answer: Certificates are used for Non-Academic Achievement registration. Meanwhile, if you use your report card, you can choose the Academic Achievement registration.
- Question: Jika memiliki surat rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Muhammadiyah Daerah setempat, pendaftaran dilakukan melalui jalur apa.
Answer: Surat rekomendasi tersebut dipergunakan untuk syarat pendaftaran Beasiswa Yatim / Yatim Piatu dan Program Pendidikan Ulama Tarjih (PPUT).
- Question: Is there a Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) (trans: Recognition of Prior Learning) program for the Agribusiness study program?
Answer: In the case of the RPL program, please contact the Bureau of Education and Teaching directly at 081331503161.
- Question: Can I apply twice through different registration category?
Answer: It is very allowed. 1 account can be used for multiple registrations with the same or different paths.
- Question: For the Academic Registration that requires academic scores, is it only valid for 2022-2024, or can it be used in subsequent years?
Answer: According to the new policy of the New Student Admission 2024, trough Academic Registration 2024, graduates of 2021-2024 will be able to apply using their academic grades.
- Question: What are the benefits of applying through the Academic registration?
Answer: The benefits of registering through Academic Registration is students will get free of Academic fee for the first semester.
- Question: Is it okay to apply if you are from an NU organization?
Answer: Of course you can. Everyone can enroll at UMM without any distinction either from ethnic organizations. Even non-Muslims are also allowed to apply. The multicultural tradition runs harmoniously here.
- Question: Is it better to come to the campus to find enrollment information or through the website?
Answer: All information related to new student admissions can be accessed on the pmb.umm.ac.id website and UMM official social media. However, if you want to find information directly and come to visit, please feel free to visit the UMM PMB Office. Our team will be happy to welcome and provide the information needed.
- Question: How to apply at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)?
Answer: Click online.umm.ac.id then select the personal admission menu to create a registration account.
- Question: Are there boarding facilities available for students?
Answer : For now, we do not have a student dormitory. However, female dormitories are available for female students who are interested in living in the campus area. The location is on Campus III UMM with 24-hour security facilities and character building as well as other interesting programs.
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the journey to the future. See you on the White Campus!