Almunta Jaafar sharing his story about Yemen to the MTS Al Munawarah (Photo: Yasmin/PR UMM) |
Not running out of ideas, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Thursday Reading (KaCa) Carwent with the concept of cultural exchange. One of them was by inviting a foreign student to go to the target areas of the literacy movement.
Foreign student from Yemen, Almunta Jaafar, was invited to share the unique life story of the community in his hometown to students of MTs Al Munawarah in Pandanmulyo Village, Malang. Namely the unique habits of people who like to eat grass.
Jafeer continued, that the tradition that is often carried out by Yemenis is often chewing grass is because of health and stamina enhancer. The students were astonished to hear Jaafer's uniquestory.
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The activity that was carried out with the Community Service Study Group (KKN) 04 UMM chose the school because according to the head of the Social Culture division of Haidar Ali Firdaus, MTs Al Munawaroh students must be introduced to a view of outside world in pursuing their dreams.
MTS Al Munawarah students looks interested with the KaCa Car books (Photo: Yasmin/PR UMM) |
"Yemen is an Arabian peninsula which borders the Red Sea next to Saudi Arabia in the north. The Yemeni people are happy with trading activities," he said to students on Thursday (1/23).
So, he continued, most Yemenis often sail, to visit other countries to trade including Indonesia. In addition, the education system in Yemen also offers many boarding schools or commonly called pondok in Indonesia.
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The activity that was attended by all students at the foundation looked very enthusiastic. "This is the first time I have seen foreigner come to our school. Arabic is difficult to understand but I enjoy it," said Bila one of the students of Al Munawarah MTS.
After this activity, students are directed to read the books provided, the most read books are books about the Complete General Knowledge Summary (RPUL). Some of them are enthusiastic to explore further about the outside world, especially Yemen. (joh)