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Accelerating Work Team Coordinator Reka Cipta Directorate General of Higher Education, Achmad Adhitya, Ph.D. during the presentation. (Foto: Shifa/Humas) |
Achmad Adhitya, Ph.D., Coordinator of the Accelerated Creative Design Work Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education, on Saturday (28/11) morning, held a socialization program with approximately 27 universities throughout Malang at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
This socialization was related to a breakthrough from the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Ditjen Dikti Kemendikbud RI) , in making the Indonesian Sovereignty Platform in Reka Cipta (Kedai Reka) and a breakthrough in the higher education funding mechanism through matching fund incentives of IDR 250 billion.
"This grant incentive aims to encourage universities to achieve the eight Main Higher Education Performance Indicators that have been set by the Ministry of Education and Culture," said Adhit.
Through the Kedai Reka platform, universities from various regions of Indonesia have an equal opportunity to collaborate with the business/industry and apply for the matching fund incentive.
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The Kedai Reka platform is an implementation of the contribution to the vision of an independent campus which provides benefits and welfare to the community through the creation of national children in the spirit of building national independence.
This platform is a meeting place between the Business World and Reka Cipta from Higher Education. The purpose of this platform is to become a bridge to accelerate cooperation from the business/industry world with creatives from universities. From this collaboration, universities can become a solution center for every need of the business/industry world through various inventions.
"So, the Kedai Reka platform can be one of the drivers of national economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic." said Achmad Adhitya.
The independent learning policy is intended for tertiary institutions. Come with several packages that are very influential on private universities such as UMM. The influence of these packages is getting more and more extraordinary and helps the development of higher education institutions, especially the Kedaireka platform program.
"The government does not only apply indicators for higher education but also facilitates the campus to publish innovations on campus to reach the community and companies," said Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. (apg / can)