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Nazaruddin Malik with Haedar Nashir at the National Colloquium event. (Photo: Special) |
Social change in Indonesia is too fast, especially changes in religious trends, and what Muhammadiyah can do with it. There is a big question, namely how to combine reason and heart as the power to penetrate religious life.
"How do we interpret the spirit of enlightenment in the political-economic dimension?" thus Vice Rector II of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Dr. Nazaruddin Malik asked when opening a discussion entitled "Fresh Ijtihad from Muhammadiyah to resolve national issues".
Dr. Nazaruddin Malik was companied by a philosopher, scientist, hermeneutic expert and Indonesian Muslim scholar Prof. M. Amin Abdullah at the Muhammadiyah Young Scholar Interdisciplinary National Colloquium at the UMM Sengkaling Convention Hall, Friday (6/3).
Read also: Muhammadiyah Young Scholars UMM Welcomed Muhammadiyah Congress
According to Nazaruddin, Muhammadiyah did not yet have the formula to penetrate the economy to overcome inequality in society or influence national economic policy. There was indeed a discussion about how to build economic institutions such as sharia banking, but there was no strategic formula to stop the accumulation of capital in one location, thereby eliminating equality among the people. The term mentioned by Nazaruddin was price discrimination.
According to him, the role of wasathiyah Muhammadiyah had to be translated into the context of nation welfare. He was worried about the insensitivity of economic assemblies in interpreting economic enlightenment. "Young scholars must contribute to these strategic formulations," he said.
In the second session, Prof. Dr. M. Amin Abdullah explained what fresh Ijtihad is. "Ijtihad, right, is common. But after a hundred years, Muhammadiyah's ijtihad was no longer heard. Then it must be refreshed, "he said. There were three reasons, according to him. First, the Islamic world seemed involutive, namely, there were setbacks in diversity. Secondly, the Islamic world was also experiencing methodological stagnation. Third, because of the two contexts above, there had to be takamul ‘ulum, namely interdisciplinary understanding of Islam.
Al-Azhar recently invited to the tajdid of thought, because digital preaching denied methodology in understanding Islam. Meanwhile, according to him, the main obstacle in tajdid was the distribution of qat'i and zanni, something which if the people dwelled, there would only cause stagnation again.
"The solutions formulated by al-Azhar were worked on by Muhammadiyah 50 to 100 years ago, including the decision not to recognize the existence of a religious state. Do not let us who are here even more backwards, said Amin.
According to Prof. Dr. M. Amin Abdullah, the main solution was to re-read the literature painstakingly. "No other way. If you only rely on Whatsapp groups, there will be no results," he added. In Indonesia, muwathonah (citizenship) had not yet been completed because of involutiveness and stagnation. Many minorities were still victims and other issues that showed that people were still thinking at the lower order of thinking level.
This session was strengthened by the enthusiasm passed on by the speakers to the young scholars present in the National Colloquium. In the next twenty years, according to the speakers, those who would carry out Muhammadiyah and the Indonesian State were young people, not others. That was why Muhammadiyah young people had to have the ability to study the literature strongly, also had the ability to multi-languages.
"The strategies that must be issued by the Congress are strategies to support it, for example, to get young Muhammadiyah students to learn Arabic and English and send them to foreign-language countries for one year so that the language is strong," said Amin . (win)