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One of the traditional games introduced by Dr. Iswinarti, M.Psi. (Photo: Istimewah) |
During the Covid-19 pandemic, parents have more opportunities to learn and play with their children. Besides, of course, being an opportunity for parents to strengthen the relationship between family members, especially between parents and children. Instead of children always being busy with their gadgets, there are alternative activities that can be done. One of them is implementing traditional games with family.
As mentioned by Dr Iswinarti, M.Si. Psychologist and lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), traditional games have good character values, including performance characteristics such as problem-solving ability, never giving up, organizing strategies, competing, communicating, encouraging achievement, self-control, accuracy, concentration, and leadership.
Iswinarti added that research on the influence of digital technology, such as video games and computers, on children's development had shown consistent results. Using the internet in contests or games may cause physical and mental health hazards. Aggressiveness is one of the significant effects of playing video games.
"Meanwhile, in traditional games, moral characters are also needed for the best relationships. Namely, the value of honesty or sportsmanship, empathy, responsibility, social relations, cooperation, and justice," Iswinarti conveyed in the LK UMM Cultural Institute webinar with the theme "Culture-Based Online Learning for Kindergarten and Elementary Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation".
In one of her researches, Iswinarti suggested the BERLIAN method: Playing, ExpeRiential, LearnIng, Children. This method serves to help children find meaning from experiences when they play traditional games. One of the results of this research showed that children who played classic games accompanied by the BERLIAN method experienced more improvement in social competence.
The steps of traditional games with the BERLIAN method are determining the values contained; teaching the rules of the game; simulating how to play; evaluating how to play, and; playing and reflecting on children's experiences while playing. Among the best traditional games, according to Iswinarti, are Congklak Lidi, Dakon, Bekelan, Engklek, and Lompat Tali.
In a webinar on Thursday (14/05), socializing with traditional games requires the participation of many parties, including schools and teachers. "So parents will report to the school that they have played. This effort is a form of application of certain subjects that are by traditional games," he said in the webinar, which was attended by hundreds of participants. (cdr/can)